Every person is excited to join a university to pursue their dream courses. However, life at the university is not fun all the time because students are expected to work hard in order to score good grades. One of the challenging instances to the majority of the students at the university is doing assignments and examinations. Some students do not know how they should write their assignments and get the highest marks. Other students make careless mistakes when writing their assignments and end up scoring poor grades even in topics that they understand well. Here are top five things to avoid when writing a university assignment.
Avoid Being the Last Minute Timer
Many students wait until the last minute to start writing their assignments. Lecturers know why they give students several weeks and even months to complete an assignment. Working on the same paper in days or even hours, just to meet the deadline, is disastrous and such students score poor grades. Last minute timers have no time to read instructions properly, read broadly from the available sources and have no time to correct mistakes in their assignments before submitting them to lecturers. More so, such students do not have adequate time to get assignment help on parts they do not understand from others students and lectures.
Avoid Plagiarism or Copy Pasting
Plagiarism is a major offense when writing a university assignment. It is wrong for a student to include works of other people in their papers without giving the respective authors due credit. Majority of the universities have systems to test plagiarism and highlight parts copy pasted from other sources or parts not properly cited and referenced. There is no grade for plagiarized work and in some universities, students are required to repeat the whole course alongside other penalties.
Never Paying Someone to Write your Assignment
It is wrong to pay someone for it because lecturers will eventually know about it. Such practices are treated as cheating in many universities and students who pay or request other people to write assignments on their behalf end up graduating with low grades or being disqualified. Students who pay for assignments score middle grades in their final sit-in examinations because assignments are part of coursework.
Avoid Reading Instructions Partially
Some students have a tendency of reading assignment instructions partially, especially if it is something they have done in the past. Consequently, such students end up scoring low grades on their university assignments because they did not follow all the instructions provided by their lecturers. Details are the key element in every university assignment and it is prudent to read every part, even the obvious, ones because there is no excuse for ignorance when writing an assignment.
Never Make Assumptions
Students have the tendency of making assumptions when writing their assignments. Some students assume the lecturer could have made some mistake when setting the assignment or there was a typing mistake. Such students end up ignoring important parts of the assignment or responding to questions not asked by their lecturers. It is wrong to assume that the lecturer wanted you to do something different when writing an assignment unless it is specified in the details. It is sensible to seek clarification from the lecturer if the provided instructions are not clear.
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